Stupid act by UMers
7/03/2009 01:21:00 AM | Author: fadzly
1. The title was a bit harsh.

2. I'm actually talking about one of University Malaya (UM) student from Academy of Islamic Studies (API) which is also the President of PMIUM currently doing stupid act.

3. I'm not talking about politics. I'm not a politician, and i hate politics thus, there is no way that I'm gonna talk politics here.

4. Because I'm the most seniors undergrad stud in UM currently, it's important for me to address this messages to him. I care my junior, is that a problem? My junior have a duty and responsible to their parents.

5. Firstly, for me his act is certainly not an intellectual move which is supposedly to be expected from every student from UM.

6. We are not a politician, not an extremist, not a another 'RPK'. We're only a 'Mahasiswa Biasa'.

7. You might seem big to us because you're President of PMI, but do you think you are big enough out here?

8. Do you think that you big enough you can do anything against the law and because of that you run from getting caught from the cops?

9. You're the 'role model' of all the student in UM. Do you think this act should be done on every students here?

10. Or you just want to have a 'publisiti murahan' so that all Malaysians know you.

11. Don't make assumption, where u based only on youtube video without any fact.

12. Don't make a statement threaten to the university admins of having a riot. If you do, i do agree if AUKU is implemented on you.

13. I suggest you shouldn't be doing it. Better for you to do good deeds and welfare to the students.

14. Where is your 'kurangkan yuran universiti' and also 'Riba PTPTN' fight anyway? My yuran is so expensive, and yet i don't have any $$ left in my pocket!

15. University can throw you away anytime they want, because you have done the DUMBESS act which is against the law.

16. And yet they have not done it because they think that you're the Leaders of Islamic Student? Of course not, because the investigation have not been concluded and you've not been prove to be the culprit who behind this DS Rosmah C4 wall painting.

17. If DS Rosmah was really doing all those nasty things, dont you think by putting an oil/petrol on the carpet and try to harm her by putting up a fire are the best way to punish her?

18. Do you think you wont be having a fair trials? Do you think that Anwar Ibrahim and RPK doesn't have a fair trial? Do you think that you'll be beaten at the eye and having a 'panda eye' like Anwar Ibrahim in the lockups?

19. If you have all this you might having a delusion of persecutory which might indicate you a schizophrenic. If it does, you should meet me, here, in Psychiatric ward in UMMC.

20. Maybe, i mean it, maybe, you might or will be given an exemption from the trial.

21. So please don't ask your friends to become one like you.

22. Don't you think that by AUKU is important now?
This entry was posted on 7/03/2009 01:21:00 AM and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


On July 3, 2009 at 4:51 PM , Great Thinker said...

Seriously this was the dummbesssssss ass act by the stupid API student. If not because of HEP, they wouldn't have any major subject next to their course. He should have thank because he haven't been sack from University. This case almost identically from Anuar Zaini times, where DTC building was on fire when Dr M. a day before coming to UM! Good thing, the building was not on fire. What will UM alumni thinks about it? It's time for UM student to stop talking about craps. This is top University of the country, we produce a great leader, not a craps leader!

On July 4, 2009 at 3:08 AM , Anonymous said...

BUdak tu memang degil. Tak gune ko bg nasihat pada die.. Org mcm ni, sanggup buat ape saja utk cari nama. Almaklumlah, nak bertanding pilihanraya kot.. Bile da rasa diri sendri saja betol, alamatnya tak kemana nasihat kita. Aku harap die kembali kejalan yang benar2 diredhai Allah.. Selamatkanlah beliau daripada terus memusnahi diri. Amin

On July 5, 2009 at 10:41 PM , kimot said...

ish3..teruk betul dia tu....dia ingat dia aje yg baik, alim, bagus, dan blablablablla kot kat malaysia ni..ish3

On July 20, 2009 at 1:24 PM , Anonymous said...

mana-mana pun the same la manusia nih,buat jahatmngumoat,lek la lukis sendiri hidung korang sendiri

On July 20, 2009 at 1:25 PM , Anonymous said...


On July 23, 2009 at 3:44 AM , fadzly said...

demascus tu sapa? tak pernah dgr pun.. huhu

On July 23, 2009 at 3:44 AM , fadzly said...

nway.. sedap gak..

On December 29, 2009 at 2:25 PM , Shazni Munir said...


Terima kasih atas respon yg diberikan. Ya, tiada sesiapa pun di dunia ini yg berhak utk claim bhw dia sentiasa betul. Saya sbg manusia yg sememangnya Tuhan jadikan dgn akal & nafsu ini pun memang tidak dpt melarikan diri dpd melakukan kesalahan.

Namun saya kira ada beberapa perkara yang perlu saya maklumkan kpd saudara untuk memberikan persepsi yg adil di pihak saudara kpd saya. Ya, kalau pihak saudara mengambil maklumat dr media yg sememangnya cenderung utk mensensasikan berita mereka, pastinya mereka akan memainkan peranan seolah-olah saya melakukan semua tindakan bodoh tersebut.

Namun, tidak terfikirkah saudara bhw adalah sesuatu yg pelik utk saya melakukan tindakan tersebut atas kapasiti saya sbg Presiden PMIUM yg telah diberikan mandat utk memimpin mahasiswa Islam di UM?

Bahkan tidak hanya sbg Presiden PMIUM, kepercayaan yg diberikan kpd saya oleh badan-badan pertubuhan mahasiswa yg lain diperingkat nasional seperti PKPIM, KARISMA, DEMA, KAMI & GAMIS utk memimpin coalation front yg membentuk Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM) sbg pengerusinya, pastinya membuatkan saya utk berfikir berjuta-juta kali utk melakukan tindakan ala Taliban tersebut.

Come on la saudara, common sense org normal pun akan berfikir 2 kali utk seorang pemimpin mahasiswa melakukan tindakan x bertanggungjawab itu.

Ada beribu cara yg intelek & sesuai dgn kondisi saya sbg pimpinan mahasiswa yg boleh saya lakukan sekiranya saya ingin menyatakan bantahan & rasa tidak setuju saya kpd mana-mana pimpinan negara. Tapi bukan dgn cara yg subversif sebegitu rupa.

Lagi pula, kalau memang saya yang lakukan hal tersebut, mengapa soalan2 sepanjang soal-siasat dijalankan tidak menjurus ke arah kes tersebut. Tapi lebih banyak berunsur mental torture utk demoralise saya & soalan2 yg saya sifatkan sbg tiada kena-mengena dgn kes yg sedang disiasat spt pandangan saya berhubung kematian Beng Hock, pandangan saya ttg Anwar Ibrahim, pimpinan PAS dll.

Bahkan apa yg lebih menyedihkan saya sepanjang soal-siasat tersebut yg berlangsung selama 5 jam di sebuah bilik gelap yg saya tidak tahu di mana lokasinya, hak saya sebagai muslim utk menunaikan solat langsung diabaikan & permintaan saya untuk menunaikan ibadah fardhu itu hanya mengundang lekehan oleh mereka-mereka yg sedang menyoalsiasat saya. Utk makluman, mereka juga muslim spt saya.

Itulah yg saya lalui sepanjang 4 hari dalam lokap polis. Bahkan semakin hari semakin teruk apabila masuk hari2 seterusnya mereka menyuruh utk saya mengaku shj 'jalan cerita' kes yg mereka reka utk konspirasi ini, lantas memberikan janji utk tidak mengganggu keluarga saya lagi.

Sebelum daripada konspirasi ini pun mereka sudah mengugut keluarga saya di rumah dgn menelefon untuk menyuruh saya meletak jawatan sbg Presiden PMIUM atau saya akan dibuang universiti. Gila! Apa dosa saya utk memimpin badan dakwah spt PMIUM sehingga saya boleh dibuang universiti? Langsung tidak logik, tapi itulah yg dipasakkan kpd keluarga saya sehingga mereka keluh-kesah & sentiasa berasa risau dgn saya.

Sebagai permulaan, saya rasa cukuplah sekadar itu dahulu perkongsian saya dengan rakan-rakan yg lain. Utk lebih jelas, hubungilah saya pd bila2 masa utk mengetahui dgn lbh jelas duduk cerita yg lebih adil dari diri saya sendiri. Ini no saya 013-3185263

On January 2, 2010 at 7:11 PM , adzlyna86 said...

salam alaik.
anda telah bertindak dengan tidak adil.menjatuhkan hukuman kepada seseorang dalam keadaan tidak mengetahui perkara sebenar.don't act based on assumption.siapa kita utk judge orang baik n buruk sedangkan terlalu banyak perkara yg diluar pengetahuan kita.Ajaran islam terbaik utk bertindak dlm apa jua perkara : adil & bersangka baik itu lebih mulia daripada tersalah "assumption" mahupun "hukuman"...

adios..kerana hidup ini dicipta olehNYA dan untukNYA..

On January 3, 2010 at 6:39 PM , Anonymous said...

salam alaik...

Kalau hendak berbicara tentang sesuatu jangan lupa pada dosa dan pahala...

Jangan sampai tulisan kita mengundang neraka Allah.