Don't know why but suddenly i managed to think about a wisdom quote..
Hari jadi adalah hari yang sesuai untuk memulakan langkah utk segala2nya..
Then i found another quotes.. LOLZ...
It's really universal! haha..
Another quote.. but not from myself.. really nice..
jika seseorang menyakiti kita, tulislah tentang kesakitannya di atas pasir, supaya tiupan angin kemaafan bisa memadamkan keperitannya… tetapi, jika seseorang berbuat baik kepada kita, ukirlah tentang kemanisannya di dalam hati, supaya tiada apa yang bisa menghapuskannya…
Raffiq's Blog
I managed to update Raffiq's blog with a nice template. Good things for him not only he got a new template i also managed to delete all the unnecessary things such as unwanted advertisement and also unwanted shortcut. Take a look at the new Raffiq's blog..